Everybody hates a zombie no matter whether you have seen them or not, whether you have a reason or not, but I do…..
FB looses its face
Plus crosses Book
Google outrages FB
Facebook attains Puberty
those were the slogans and even more were raised for welcoming Google plus. The world expected google plus to outrage FB and slam Mark, the face of Facebook.
I felt happy at one point that I would be free from request like
Need chips for farmville
Need **** for cityville
Need @@@ for casteville
Need shit for shitville
But my happiness never lasted as every plus has its minus. Google plus started pissing on me with its angry birds, chips for zombielane, shovel for zombielane, share your zombies,…
The stout guy with black coat, coolers and red cap along with a voluptous girl friend who fluants her belly was me. Atleast I have a girlfriend now. (click pictures for an enlarged vision)
This figure with flamboyant smile and a shot gun was me.
'What happened to my town? Where are my people? Why are those houses demolished?' I was in a hyper active state, fraught with loads of questions,red hot in patriotism and a blood thurst to kill zombies.
'I found you, you son of a zombie!!. How dare you destroy my mother land.'
Every zombie bequeathed a chip and star when killed. Those chips were used for my energy as well as for construction of houses.
I was badly in need of more coins to complete my target. My blood thursty hunt for zombies went incessantly.
I was so eagerly shooting all zombies and I ignored those new tip pop ups.
Some zombies even attacked me with 'stop trying to hit me and hit me' gestures
At one point of time My trigger betrayed me! I was out of ammo.
'why should I spend another 200 chips for a shotgun, especially in recession time like this?' and I preferred a shovel.
I was cleaning my city and I was passionate about it. Especially with shovel you gotta hit it before it hits you. 
I wanted to shout like crazy joker to zombies 'do u know how I got these scars??'
I cleared my level in no time and I had my town clean. With natcha thira jenanlil vanam etti pakuthu BGM I started clearing all levels in no time.
WTH!!! I kinda thought I was already with her. Affairs and relationship was always a milestone to me!!!
I still got 85 percentage of the game to be completed to see my Spouse. I was confused whether to start killing zombies so that I can built my house and sauce my spouse or should shut the fish of my PC and get back to work?
I wasn’t waiting for an answer as I had already started playing it. 
' Ya baby! Am coming for you! ' … I said to myself.
Where would I go for these accessories???
I didn’t wanna ask my friends. I had ditched many of them in their shitville. I wouldn’t dare to ask them.
I got another alternative. Killing a zombie would fetch me with chips by which I could get those accessories. My hunt for zombies started. But I was moving at a snail pace and I had no shot gun with me. I was confused what was happening to me. Later I got a pop up message that I lack energy and I need to refill.
I hate hot dogs in general and hence I preferred a cheese burger.
What the Fish..
I consoled myself that still it was a game and no hell of a monster in this world would dare to ask $3 for one cheese burger in a virtual game.
I did those proceedings…and….
WTF……it wasn’t a game rather it was a black market of depredation that decoys our attention in some virtual gaming shit and filch our money. I was about to get ruined. I would rather order a bucket chicken with that $3 in real and get a full energy level to trash those guys who invented these kinda games.
Without further ado I closed the window.
That was the height of humiliation on would have ever got and I stood first in that queue.
: please stop expecting moral in all stories.